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ChestTrak for Clash Royale 1.6
*Disclaimer* This app acts as a guidance appfor the game Clash Royale by Supercell. This is unofficial and notassociated by Supercell. All Chests images, backgrounds and otherDesign-related Content belong to Supercell. For more information,see Supercell's Fan Content Policy**Do not worry about the User Agreement window. It is just for theadvertisements and only shows the advertising company whether youclicked the ad or closed it. If you don't accept, that's fine.Nothing will be shared then.This app helps you keep track of and predict your chests in ClashRoyale.Please don't give me a 1* rating before you know how to use theAppKeep in mind this is a third-party app and the cycle could alwayschange and all images of chests and the background belong toSupercell.The Donation is really just a donation and doesn't get you anyadvantagesThis is very useful because you can rise/drop in trophy level toadjust the chances to get specific cards by a little bit rightbefore you get the chest (e.g. you can only get arena 1-4 cards ifyou are in arena 4...).Also, if you're like me, it's nice to know when the next awesomechest is coming.To get correct predictions you have to enter every chest you get byusing the buttons and after each chest try to press the reddish"determine cycle position" button. If you collected enough chestsfor the app to find your position it will show a little messagesaying "enough chests" and edit your position in the lower rightcorner.
Vertretungsplan LMGN 1.0
Diese app zeigt den Vertretungsplan vomLMGNorderstedt an.This app displaystherepresentation plan of LMG Norderstedt.